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My Core Tenets of Health and Wellness

Don't Lose Sight of the Big Picture!

Nothing beats working with a coach one-on-one,
but I've summarized some fundamental concepts here that you can come back to whenever you feel lost in the details.

Remember to Breathe

Take a few deep breaths in and out, while bringing your attention to what is happening and how you are feeling in the current moment.

This simple act is very powerful. You cannot act in the past or the future, only the present, and you cannot throw your body deeper into stress when you are taking action to calm your nervous system down.

Beauty-First Mindset

Remember to approach your health with joy and gratitude. The only way to fail in this journey is to never recover from a negative outlook. Each new experience adds to your accumulating knowledge that can assist you in the future, and you can strengthen your resilience to be joyful and grateful, no matter your circumstances.

Wellbeing Is Holistic

Every aspect of life affects health and wellbeing. What food you eat and how much physical activity you get is important, but don't forget to check on your wellbeing in other areas of your life, such as your spiritual life, career, finances, and relationships, to name a few.

Making small changes in one area may result in big changes and improvements in another area of your life.

You Know Your Body Best

You are the best authority on what your body is feeling. No one else is receiving or can interpret the signals your body is giving you as accurately as you can.


Every pain or craving is telling you something. You can use that information to move your health in a new direction.

Eat Real Food

​When hunting for food:

  • Focus on nutrient density

  • Read the ingredients

  • Visualize the journey from nature to your plate

It's likely not real food if:

  • You don't recognize the name of an ingredient

  • You can't imagine this food being processed without chemicals or industrial-grade equipment

Cultivate a Supportive Environment

Set yourself up for success. Find people who will encourage you and hold you accountable to your health goals, and set up your environment so it's easier to make the healthy choice than the unhealthy one.


If this means finding someone to give you a kick in the butt when you need it, find that person and tell them what your goals are.


This could also mean clearing out your kitchen or setting aside time each day to reflect on your health goals.

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